Indlela yokupheka i-pasta ku-Pressure Cooker

Sonke siyazi ukuthi kulula kangakanani ukupheka i-pasta ku-stovetop, i-pasta ijwayele ukugobhoza uma ibilisiwe, futhi wonke umpheki wasekhaya uhlanza i-pasta enesitashi ngesikhathi esithile emsebenzini wabo wokupheka ngemva kokubilisa.Uma upheka i-pasta ku-pressure cooker, awudingi ukubuka noma ukuqapha ukushisa phansi ebhodweni.Ipheka ngokushesha futhi ingagadiwe ku-pressure cooker.Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungakwazi ukupheka i-pasta nge-sauce ngqo ku-cooker yokucindezela, ngakho-ke akudingeki wenze isinyathelo esengeziwe ku-iresiphi futhi wenze ibhodwe elingeziwe lokuhlanza, namuhla ngincoma i-pressure cooker DGTIANDA (BY-Y105) I-electro pressure cooker.

Lesi sipheki esinomfutho kagesi sikuvumela ukuthi wenze yonke into kusukela ku-apulauce ukuya kwisaladi yamazambane ngokuthinta inkinobho, futhi Imbiza Esheshayo ikuvumela ukuthi wenze yonke into kusukela ku-apulauce kuya kwisaladi yamazambane.Ungayisebenzisa nalezi zokupheka ezilandelayo ze-pasta.Vele uthele izithako ebhodweni bese uchofoza inkinobho.Nakuba lesi sidlo singase singabi sendabuko noma siyiqiniso, silungile uma ufuna ukudla okumnandi ngaphansi kwemizuzu engama-30.Qhubeka ufunde ukwenza le pasta esheshayo Ebhodweni lakho Elisheshayo.

How to Cook Pasta in a Pressure Cooker

ibhodwe elisheshayo
8 ama-ounces pasta
2 wezipuni zamafutha omnqumo
1/2 indebe eqoshiwe anyanisi
2 wezipuni ugalikhi oqoshiwe
1 ikhilogremu ye-turkey noma yenkomo
1 ithisipuni kasawoti
2 amathisipuni isinongo sase-Italy
1/4 isipuni emhlabathini pepper omnyama
2 izinkomishi umhluzi noma amanzi
24 ounces pasta sauce
14.5 oz can diced utamatisi
1. Faka amafutha omnqumo kanye no-anyanisi ebhodweni elisheshayo.Beka ku-"sauté" bese upheka imizuzu engu-3 noma kuze kube yiphunga elimnandi.Engeza i-garlic egayiwe bese upheka enye imizuzwana engu-30.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

2. Faka inyama egayiwe.Pheka cishe imizuzu emi-5 kuya kwengu-7, kuze kube nsundu futhi ungasena pink.Pheka inyama nge-spatula yokhuni.
Uma sekuphekiwe, vala Imbiza Esheshayo.Khipha amafutha uma kudingeka.
3. Faka 1/2 indebe yomhluzi noma amanzi.Gcoba phansi epanini ngesipuni sokhuni noma nge-spatula;lokhu kuzosiza ukugcina inyama ingashi futhi inamathele epanini.

2. Add ground meat. Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes, until browned and no longer pink. Cook the meat with a wooden spatula. When cooked, turn off the Instant Pot. Drain grease if needed. 3. Add 1/2 cup broth or water. Scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon or spatula; this will help keep the meat from burning and sticking to the pan.   4. Cut the spaghetti in half. Place in the pot and layer the noodles in a criss-cross pattern. This will help reduce clumping.   5.Add the rest of the soup or water, spaghetti sauce and canned tomatoes (with liquid). Pour these ingredients into the center of the pot. Again, this will minimize burning.  6.Press and eat until most, if not all, of the noodles are submerged.Do not stir the pasta.    6. Close the lid and seal the valve. Set to "Pressure Cook" for 8 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the correct pressure, and then it will start the countdown. The Instant Pot will beep 8 minutes after it's done. Use the quick release to relieve pressure. The Instant Pot will release a rapid flow of pressure, so make sure your face or hands are not near the valve.

4. Sika i-spaghetti phakathi.Faka ebhodweni bese wendlalela ama-noodle ngephethini ye-criss-cross.Lokhu kuzosiza ukunciphisa ukunqwabelana.


5.Faka enye isobho noma amanzi, isoso yespaghetti notamatisi osemathinini (noketshezi).Thela lezi zithako phakathi nendawo ebhodweni.Futhi, lokhu kuzonciphisa ukuvutha.

Cindezela futhi udle kuze kube yilapho iningi lama-noodle selicwile emanzini.


6. Vala isivalo bese uvala i-valve.Setha ku-"Pressure Cook" imizuzu engu-8.Kuthatha cishe imizuzu eyi-10 ukuthi Imbiza Esheshayo ifinyelele ukucindezela okufanele, bese izoqala ukubala wehle.
Imbiza Esheshayo izokhala emizuzwini engu-8 ngemva kokuba isiqedile.Sebenzisa ukukhululwa okusheshayo ukuze wehlise ingcindezi.I-Instant Pot izokhulula ukugeleza okusheshayo kokucindezela, ngakho qiniseka ukuthi ubuso bakho noma izandla azikho eduze nevalvu.


7. Uma konke ukucindezela sekukhululiwe, vula Imbiza Esheshayo.I-spaghetti sibukeka sigijima.lokhu kujwayelekile!Vala Imbiza Esheshayo.Hlanganisa i-pasta bese uvumela ukuba iphumule imizuzu engu-10.Ngemuva kokupholisa, i-sauce iyaqina.


Ekugcineni faka i-pasta epuletini futhi ujabulele izikhathi zokugcina ezimnandi

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Jan-17-2022